Concord is one of a thousand suburbs surrounding the San Francisco bay area, it's right between Walnut Creek a very nice suburb and Clayton, an other very nice suburb, how and why Concord remains the not as nice suburb and cheaper suburb than both of the others remains a mistery. Maybe because it's older than Clayton and lots more new money went into Clayton and because Walnut Creek is next to the 24 and 680 freeway giving it's commuters an easier access to the city? Either way, Concord has really old and crappy strip malls with homeless walking around in the early sunday AM's, mixed in with super new huge MC-Air-conditioned-4500-square-feet-million-$$-Mansions. Concord has it all, illegal Mexicans, generally the only pedestrians around here with senior citizens, medium rich Suburbanites who wanted to buy affordable new homes, Old Donut shops and sleezy car mechanics, super gung-ho full blooded war veterans with flags in their front yards to lots of fixer upper type of investors trying to make a quick buck flipping properties and trying to make it in America. Welcome to Concord.