Concord is one of a thousand suburbs surrounding the San Francisco bay area, it's right between Walnut Creek a very nice suburb and Clayton, an other very nice suburb, how and why Concord remains the not as nice suburb and cheaper suburb than both of the others remains a mistery. Maybe because it's older than Clayton and lots more new money went into Clayton and because Walnut Creek is next to the 24 and 680 freeway giving it's commuters an easier access to the city? Either way, Concord has really old and crappy strip malls with homeless walking around in the early sunday AM's, mixed in with super new huge MC-Air-conditioned-4500-square-feet-million-$$-Mansions. Concord has it all, illegal Mexicans, generally the only pedestrians around here with senior citizens, medium rich Suburbanites who wanted to buy affordable new homes, Old Donut shops and sleezy car mechanics, super gung-ho full blooded war veterans with flags in their front yards to lots of fixer upper type of investors trying to make a quick buck flipping properties and trying to make it in America. Welcome to Concord.
The Concord I knew as a child was not as it is today. I'm not old. I am 33years old and whole heartedly agree with the post I just read.
Concord was hit with a crashing wave of illegal immigrants from 1989-1991, the likes of which it had not seen before. They still come today. They follow their fore runners and they fear nothing as they do not respect law.
When propositions 187 was up for vote, the citizens of California voted, and won, but the Mexican lobby prevented the will of its tax paying citizens from rightfully going into effect.
Over the course of the past 13 years, illegal alien Mexicans vested themselves. Locally, they have pushed their culture on the city. They have lowered its quality and culture.
Education, safety, cleanliness, peace even respect for your neighbor and a sense of community have all suffered.
In 1990 I saw my neighborhood change over night...Literally over night!
I woke up to 7 Mexican men sleeping on the lawn of one apartment building. Then, I saw another group, then another. I was shocked. It was as if they had been dropped off out of a truck over night. I think they were
The gang the X13s trucked in dozens of illegal alien men at the time.
A crime wave of car thefts splashed my neighborhood. Drunks being chased by the police after debauchery at El Ranchero bar and restaurant, drinking and loitering under car ports -- car chases up one-way roads going the wrong way, vandalism, and more. I sigh.
My friends moved away. Long time residents who had raised families here couldn’t take the noise and the vandalism. They moved up north or out of state.
Then the women came. They all vested themselves with the aid of the clinic on Stanwell Circle. Trains of baby pushing illegal alien moms made their way there.
Their children have forced old schools open that had been closed when I was boy. Back then, those budget closures and lack of school buses were costs of my youth. I had high density class sizes as a consequence. I had to walk, ride a bike, or take public buses to school. Today, there are so many Mexican children here in Concord that formerly closed schools were forced to re-open in an even tighter budget environment. Now, their children get picked up right in front of my old home. I pay for it. You pay for it. Their parents have not paid for it.
Did you know Fry's grocery store was stolen out of business? It had thrived since the 50s. In 1990, it was the only grocery store I went into with so many people and so little business. A lot was leaving the store though. There were anti-theft arches at the check out stands in its final days. Today, the old neighborhood is marked by Mexican Bandera music blaring from ghetto rides and shiny new trucks as the Mexican market across the street flourishes. The old Concord Park n Shop is no different than a border strip mall.
The streets are littered and the screech of tires from noisy Mexicans breaks the peace. They wake me. They wake my wife. They wake our 4 month old.
My wife walks to the park with our 4 month old on her hip. The Mexican men loitering there bother her with comments, whistles and taunts; a mating call to a married woman. “So don’t walk there!” Hogwash! THEY are the ones who need to stop. Our rights to assemble are being infringed upon by losers who have no civil rights as they federal law breakers.
I remember when it Concord was a multicultural area where we had a sense of community and to walk on the lawn when a side walk was present was not done. I remember when it was clean here and you could run into a school mate’s family on an outing to get ice cream.
I have been here long enough to watch Baskin Robins make it to three sides of the Park.
The illegals ruined the place. I watched it happen. I report crime.
The last time I did, an officer admitted to me that he wanted to make an arrest, but it wouldn't e worth it, alluding that the offenders would turn it into a racial matter.
Dozens of horrible, truthful examples of the things I have experienced and witnessed.
A good place to live?
I am an immigrant, by the way. My parents are from England and Africa. I was not born here. We immigrated legally. My wife is Asian, non citizen. My family came here legally. We abide by the law. We are multicultural and we are not racist. We simply know the differene between right and wrong.
We miss safety, comfort, peace and a sense of community.
The pictures here are terrific. The layout of the blog is pleasing to eye. Again, terrific photography! Its a pity that I shared my angst on what could be a nice blog about a nice city.
The invading illegal aliens, a majority from Mexico, are a modern-day horde who are condemning us to revert to a 2nd-world culture and life-style.
Yet, the elite class that does not have to contend with the invading barbarians, demands that the common citizens embrace that damnable diversity and accept some lame ill-defined concept such as multi-culturalism or risk being labeled a xenophobe, a bigot, perhaps a racist.
Americans are being brainwashed!!!!
I believe that America's elite class is engaged in class warfare against the masses and one way to defeat the majority of Americans is to divide and conquer.
America's working-poor citizens are especially harmed by the invaders and it is difficult for poorer folks to escape the invaders.
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